Monday, February 2, 2009

Forever Fun #4

Who doesn't love getting a note? I have a friend who is the Queen of Thank You notes. I seriously have a collection of her notes, and her thoughtfulness is heart-warming. Her notes lift my spirits, and make me smile whenever I read them. I love leaving notes for my children to help bring a smile to their day. I leave them whenever, and wherever I can. They are as simple as saying, "I love you, and I'm glad I'm your mom." I also try to write them a note when they have been especially helpful or kind in some way. I sometimes post notes by their bedside, after they are asleep, and it never fails that those mornings, after they have read their note, go so smooth and the peace that a simple note can bring to our family has amazed me! I also have left notes on their desks in their classrooms when they are out at recess, and they are excited to tell me all about it when I pick them up at school. For older kids, notes are still important. Maybe they are not in paper form (i.e. email, text messages) but the words will forever stay with children young and old.