Saturday, January 9, 2010

Forever Fun #10

Christmas has just passed, which means more toys! This is always fun, yet also mind-boggling, and we ask ourselves, "Where did all this stuff come from?" No matter how much rotating of toys we do, there are always many more toys than what we need in our home. As extended family, we have decided to try a new gift-giving approach on cousin's birthdays. The kids are going to watch what toys their cousins enjoy playing with when they are over. When it is a cousin's birthday, they will choose a toy from the toy room to wrap and give to their cousin. Not only is this a great form of recycling, but it also is a time for the children to get to know their cousins better as they take notice of what their cousins like to do and play with. I am excited to see how this new gift-giving strategy works, and maybe it will continue year after year.