Saturday, March 28, 2009

Forever Fun #5

I have always enjoyed journal writing. I have the funniest entries from when I was a little girl, and as I get them out and read them with my kids, it seems like they realize that "Mommy understands me because she was once little like me." Because of my love of journal writing, I decided to keep a journal for each of my children. I had their names put on the front of their journal, and I try to write in their journal weekly. Sometimes the entries are one sentence entries, and sometimes they are simply something funny they have said. Yet sometimes I am able to share experiences that have strengthened my testimony and hopefully will strengthen theirs. When I first started writing in their journals I was going to do it without them knowing, but all too often they would come into my room when I was writing, so I started to occassionally share entries with them. This has become such a fun thing to do, and they remind me and encourage me to write in their journals now. I treasure these journals, and I hope one day when they are grown, they can share them with children of their own.